Looking for help with sports betting? Will you be able to see your bankroll grow and not shrink like 97% of other sports bettors? There are many resources and guides online that can help you with your sports betting.
Sports Betting Tips & Help
First, determine how much money you can put aside for sports betting. This is commonly called a bankroll. Don’t burrow money, or rent money for a “lock” wager. Although betting can be very enjoyable, especially if you are betting on your favorite sport, it can also quickly turn into a nightmare.
No matter how much money you have in your bankroll, your goal should be to increase your profits over time. Sports betting is a mathematical game, and it is true.
Bet on the sports that you are passionate about. You can be confident when placing your money, knowing the details of the sport, the teams, and the players.
Be consistent with your betting amounts (called units). In sports betting, a unit refers to how many bets you place. As your unit size, you can place $10, $20 or $50 bets if you’re just starting out. You can keep the unit size constant and adjust it as you build your bankroll. Sports handicappers will always refer to the unit size of a bet, and not the dollar amount. This is where consistency is key, it’s maths!
Do not chase your losses. You will continue to win and lose streaks. However, it is important for your longevity to preserve your bankroll and limit the risk of ruin. Accept it as part of the game.
Your goal is to make money. But how can you make sure that you are picking winners after winners consistently? How does a professional make a living?
Pros are an entirely different animal, but they don’t have the ability to predict which winners will be. Professionists are able to use their betting progressions and strategies in a way that is easy to understand. This is what allows them to win 33% of the time and still make a profit. Sound impossible? It’s not impossible, it’s just mathematics that turns the odds in your favor.